Lending A Helping Hand In Our County, Communities, and Surrounding Areas In All Positive Aspects
Concerned Citizens President Alica McMillian with Starke City Commisioner and co-chair Janice Mortimer, and Vice President and Chairwoman Glenda Ruise were all smiles at the end of a very successful 2023 banquet.

The Concerned Citizens of Bradford County, Inc., was organized and obtained its 501 ( C ) 3 exemption status, secured a 99 years Lease with the Bradford County School District on the R.J.E. Facility.  CCBC organized and offer year round sports activities (basketball, baseball & softball) and other cultural events to the seniors, youth and young adults in the County.  In 2015, Superintend Chad Farnsworth and the Bradford County School Board deed the R.J.E. Facilities to CCBC, Inc. 

Mission Statement

The mission of the Concerned Citizens of Bradford County is to lend a helping hand in our county, communities and surrounding areas in all positive aspects.  We are an outreach organization dedicated to the needy, deprived, seniors and especially to the proper rearing of our children in order for them to become model citizens.  We specialize in educating, teaching character, building confidence and modeling positive behavior.  We are aware that our children are our successors and with knowing that, we pledge our lives to presenting to them and their family bright futures.  Combined with our children programs, we realize that we must attend to and strengthen the whole family and whole community.